
Thesis Gate:Special Reports (論文門專題報導)


The ThesisGate: An international PhD scandal involving Taiwan and U.K.
Hwan Lin(美國北卡大學經濟學系副教授)

Back in the 1980s, anyone holding a doctorate got hired as an associate professor. This was particularly true for those who earned their PhDs from foreign prestigious universities such as the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). …Yet, in stark contrast, Ms. Tsai Ing-wen's initial employment in Taiwan's academia was a visiting associate-professor position…This irregularity contradicted Taiwan's university employment policy at least in the entire 1980s…

Ms. Tsai has long claimed that she was awarded a law doctorate in 1984 at the London School of Economics and Political Science. However, her student record says that she withdrew from the school's Mphil/PhD program on November 10, 1982 for financial difficulties. So, how could Ms. Tsai be awarded a PhD degree after she was no longer registered as an LSE student?

On one hand, she has been unable to show the original document of her alleged PhD diploma. …Oddly, three different copies of her so-called PhD diploma came to the fore in September, 2019…According to what the presidential office explained, one copy is a zerox-copy of the original diploma that the office obtained from the LSE and the other two copies are replacement diplomas. …

On the other hand, Ms. Tsai has been unable to show where on earth her examined PhD thesis is. Back in the 1980s, to earn a doctoral degree, it was required that any PhD candidate should pass an oral examination (i.e. viva) and submit a final copy of her examined thesis to the University of London's Senate House Library and another copy to the University's IALS (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies) Library for she was a law graduate. …However, in the case of Ms. Tsai, such a final copy has been non-existent in the Senate House and IALS Libraries, nor has the LSE Library. …

Surprisingly, on June 28, 2019, the LSE Library received a facsimile copy of a so-called PhD thesis from Ms. Tsai and this copy was bound into a black hard-cover book.

* 編按:1983 / 84 蔡英文由 Lecturer 轉為 visiting associate-professor

Tsai Ing-wen thesis sets off academic firestorm of controversy over “fake news” versus censored truth
Michael Richardson(美國獨立撰稿人)

Somehow, Tsai was able to obtain a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics despite not having filed her thesis with the LSE Library, as did the 105 other graduate students in her class. Researchers, wanting to know Tsai's views, looked in vain for the thesis until finally the missing document attracted media attention in June 2019. Tsai's supporters blamed London libraries, scanning backlogs, and catalog mistakes. After it became clear Tsai did not submit her thesis as required she made a tardy submission by fax. Tsai also slapped a restricted access copyright limitation on the thesis preventing copying the document.

Professor Hwan Lin, a Taiwanese-American at Belk College in the United States, decided to do a little research himself and issued a fifty-page report on the history of the thesis, outlining a number of irregularities. Lin, who traveled to London and visited the LSE Library, found the faxed thesis to be a draft version with missing pages, page numbers that do not match the table of contents, and handwritten corrections.

In Taipei, Professor emeritus Ho De-fen of Taiwan National University picked up the quest for truth questioning the validity of Tsai's doctorate. Tsai responded to the challenge almost immediately on her personal Facebook account and threatened Ho with legal action. Tsai called the questions about her thesis “fake news” and said Ho was “factually incorrect.”

…Tsai said in her Facebook statement, “In short, if I received my diploma, then I submitted my thesis.” Curiously, Tsai's diploma is a modern re-issue, not the original award. 


Oxford scholar publishes response paper to Taiwan president's LSE dissertation
Keoni Everington(台灣英文新聞記者)

Hsu pointed out that Tsai's dissertation has not been available in the school's library since it was first published in 1983 until June of this year. The dissertation cannot be checked out, but it can be viewed in the LSE Women's Library Reading Room with certain restrictions, such as no photography of the pages or quoting of their contents and frequent monitoring by a librarian.

In the Acknowledgments section of the work, Tsai expresses her thanks to her mentor M.J. Elliott for her guidance and two other professors at the university who could not be named for legal reasons. She also expresses gratitude to a "Ms. S" for helping her print the paper with her amazing "typing ability."

The Oxford scholar also noticed a preponderance of words that used American English spelling. For example, on page 299 he noticed the word "analyze" rather than the British "analyse," and she wrote the American "subsidize" instead of the British "subsidise" on page 358.

In the case of Tsai's work, every chapter had a conclusion, but there was no "consistent general conclusion" for the entire document. He said that it read more like a series of independent short essays, with several pieces strung together to form larger sections, rather than a comprehensive, coherent work.

Hsu complained that the citations for each chapter were not placed in the page itself but marked with an asterisk plus a number. He said the source of each citation had to be searched for at the end of each chapter and that some authors and books mentioned did not appear in the bibliography.

※ Excerpt aus:

大意:徐永泰博士在LSE婦女圖書館閱覽室中查看蔡英文論文的個人副本時發現,不能翻印拍照或引用內容。論文感謝頁中提到指導老師為 M. J. Elliott,並有人協助打字;內文經常使用美式英文;雖然每一章都有一個小結,但是沒有總結,很像是將獨立的短文串在一起;引文來源散見於各章末尾,而且某些提到的作者和書籍並未出現在書目裏。

University of London secrecy over Tsai Ing-wen PhD thesis nears decision in United Kingdom Freedom of Information lawsuit
Michael Richardson(美國獨立撰稿人)

(Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner for the United Kingdom,)maintains that disclosure of the examiner identities is not necessary because the validity President Tsai's PhD thesis“has been met to a extremely large degree”by three facts: the thesis is online, the thesis is listed in an index document, and the University of London claims it holds records of the viva examination.

Denham ignored an official email correspondence from the University's Senate House Library, dated October 9, 2019, which states:“It would seem from our card catalogue records that Senate House Library never received the original copies of this thesis from the External Examiners.”

Denham, relying on University of London assertions rather than on official records or correspondence...

...however, public relations statements and news reports do not constitute, in any manner, academic authentication or actual verification of a PhD thesis viva examination; nor does the indictment of Professor Peng constitute academic authentication or actual verification of the viva examination.

That personal data is subject to disclosure when the necessity of verification demands public examination as the safeguard against academic fraud such that one cannot be a secret student and obtain a secret degree from the University of London, thus the privacy of Tsai Ing-wen was breached by inclusion in the London School of Economics and Political Science student directory and by inclusion in the University of London list of graduates because of the necessity of verification; also, the identities of Tsai Ing-wen's teachers were breached by inclusion in the London School of Economics and Political Science faculty directory because of the necessity of verification; likewise, the identities of Tsai Ing-wen's thesis examiners demands disclosure because of the necessity of verification and Tsai should have had no expectation of privacy.

※ Excerpt aus:



Thesis Gate:Material Evidences(論文門重要證據)

※ Picture aus:True Voice of Taiwan(圖片來源:政經關不了)

Part 1:Basis(第一部分:基本資料)

February 1982→Transfer from M.Phil to PhD Notice without a handwritten signature by the person whose name was typescribed!

November 1982Withdrew from course—financial difficulties! Without registration payment since this semester! "Date of approval of Thesis Title: 19/1/83", "Date of entry: June 83", "retro Oct 80", "Result: Degree Awarded Feb 84" in Tsai's student record!

16 October 1983LSE claims Tsai's oral exam. was conducted on Sunday!

March 2011→Tsai said: "They (three examiners) decided to grant me one-and-a-half Ph.D.'s."

January 1984→A photocopy of the letter about oral exam. This page was added to Tsai's thesis (2019, E-File) without a handwritten signature!


February 1984→A photocopy of the official letter about degree award. This page was added to Tsai's thesis (2019, E-File) without a handwritten signature!

March 1984→Certificate 1: photocopy 2019, without certified stamp!

2010→Certificate 2: replacement, photocopy, with Tsai's personal seal!

2015→Certificate 3:  replacement, original, with the help of former LSE director Anthony Giddens

1984、1987→Authentication 1 and 2: The first letter should have been signed by the same person whose name was typescribed, but it was signed by someone else as an agent who signed the second letter too. The signature ist easily counterfeited. The letter emphasized: "It is not possible to issue detailed information of Mr Tsai's PhD since it was awarded after a course of research and submission of a thesis title."

2011 (from March to June)→Title 1:Safeguarding Domestic Market

October 2011→Title 2:Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard for Domestic Market

June 2019→Title 3:Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard Actions

1981-1984→Index 1: "List of Current Legal Research Topics". At least one classmate (M. Phil / PhD Law) only got the LLM degree.


1985→Index 2: "Legal Research in the United Kingdom 1905-1984". It is written in the foreword: "particularly of the date of award which may be inaccurate!"

May 1983→List 1 of works: Tsai mistranslated the title of her PhD thesis in "the registration form for service application of international students who want to return home"; the time and place of publication were stated as: "It will soon be published in law journals in Taiwan and America."





September 1984→List 2 of works: Only three journal articles were listed in NCCU's "application form for recruiting new faculty"!

September 1984→List 3 of works: List 3 of works: In NCCU's "teacher qualification resume", Tsai filled in the title of a chapter as the title of the PhD thesis!

September 2019→List 4 of works: According to documents from SCU, Tsai's doctoral thesis was not included in the list of works (1983-1993).


2009-→Bibliography 1:ProQuest, only one page!

2015-→Bibliography 2:EthOS, Abstract/ no abstract available! Supervisor/ not available!

June 2019→e-mail from LSE Library: LSE Library has never had a copy of this thesis. ……Unfortunately Senate House apparently never received a copy and the IALS are unable to find their copy.

July 2019→e-mail from British Library: we hold a record in EThOS of the thesis but not the full file. The record was added in June 2015 by a member of staff in response to a user's speculative request for the thesis.

October 2019→e-mail from (the University of London's) Senate House Library: The Library never received the original copies of this thesis from the External Examiners. Another copy was sent to Senate House Library in 2011 and this was then sent on to IALS. However, it would appear that since then IALS have confirmed that they no longer have this copy.

January 2022→Response on the website WhatDoTheyKnow: The University of London has not published this thesis as no physical copy of the thesis was received into the University from the examiners.

January 2016→LSE's Congratulations to Tsai Ing-wen: without the title of doctor!

October 2019→LSE statement on PhD of Dr Tsai Ing-wen: only 4 articles on the "in the press" page!
2019年10月,LSE針對蔡英文博士資格聲明的in the press區發布頁面上只有4篇文章!

January 2020→ LSE alumna Dr Tsai Ing-wen re-elected: only "former LSE PhD Law student Dr Tsai Ing-wen" !

Part 2:History(第二部分:歷史佐證)

May 1983→"Please hire first!" in Tsai's archives at National Chengchi University!

June 1983→Before her oral exam. Tsai called herself a doctor in a journal of National Chengchi University.

1984→In list of 107 PhD graduates (LSE in the 1983/4 academic year) only the theses of Tsai and another woman (degree was revoked!) are unavailable.
(LSE於1983 / 84學年度)107位博士畢業生名單中,僅蔡英文和另一位女子(學位已被註銷!)的論文無法取得。

Spring 1984→"Dr." Tsai's first master's degree student Huan Lin took his oral exam. at Soochow University.

December 1984The National Chengchi University want to hire "guest teacher" Ing-Wen Tsai as "associate professor". "3 PhD theses" were added to a draft of official document.

December 1984The National Chengchi University sent official documents to the Ministry of Education, but the text war unusually covered with a big seal of the institution.

August 1985→The Ministry of Education asked the ROC government's office in the UK (namens "Free Chinese Centre" before 1992) about Tsai's doctoral qualification again since December 1984.

September 1985A handwritten official correspondence from one of the overseas personnel at "the Representative Office in the UK." (without signature) indicated that Tsai's doctoral qualification is true, wie the response in July 1984.

June 1987→Citation (only once):"Unfair (or Trair!) Trade Practices (or Practice!) and safeguard (or Safegard!) Actions" (Lonton! 1983, not 1984!)

August 1987→The Ministry of Examination requested a background check for Tsai's academic qualifications.

September 1987→There are 3 versions of the reply letter from the University of London.

2007→Funder: Anonymous Donor! Project Title: Taiwan Research Programme (at LSE, for Fang Long Shih)! Amount £: £480,405.71! End Date: 2014/9/30!

2009-2015Fang Long Shih and Anthony Giddens (former LSE Director) may be Tsai's overseas helper: 2009 ProQuest, 2010 Senate House Library, 2015 British Library, and 2010/2015 the University of London's Diploma Production Office.

July 2019→The Ministry of Education made a decision that important archives about Tsai's academic career (1983?-2000) are not visible before the end of year 2049!


September 2019→President Tsai filed a lawsuit against three professors. However, the prosecutor did not hold the first court hearing until more than a year later, and has always refused the request to preserve the evidence.

August 2020→In another lawsuit about Tsai's Thesis Gate, a presidential staff did not agree to obtaining evidence from UoL/LSE, the Ministry of Education, and Tsai Ing-wen herself!

(to be continued)

Contents and References(目錄及參考資料)

  Thesis Gate:chain of events(論文門大事紀) Thesis Gate:Material Evidences(論文門重要證據) Thesis Gate:Special Reports (論文門專題報導) A ...