
Thesis Gate:chain of events(論文門大事紀)

10 November 1982:Rich girl Ing-Wen Tsaiwithdrew from course: "financial difficulties!"——Tsai's LSE student record: (without registration payment!) "Date of approval of Thesis Title: 19/1/83. Date of entry: June 83. Result: Degree Awarded Feb 84".
*The original owner of the land and building of Tsai's family was an important official in KMT. Tsai and her father seem to have met Chiang Kai-Shek and Chiang Ching-Kuo.

23 May 1983:National Youth Commission sent official documents to National Chengchi University: " Ing-Wen Tsai, a student in the UK" and "Please consider hiring her with high priority!" However, the reply of the National Chengchi University on May 31 showed that there was no available position.——The title of her PhD thesis was written in English in her resume as: "Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions", but her translation of the title into Chinese was: "Unfair competition and Safeguard for Domestic Market"; the time and place of publication were stated as: " It will soon be published in law journals in Taiwan and America."
In a letter dated 1983/02/17 from Tsai's supervisor, a Oxford BCL, he confirmed that Tsai was shortly to submit her thesis for a PhD and that the examination would be held in the Spring.
1983年5月23日,青輔會寫給政大的公文上出現「留英學生蔡英文」、「請惠予優先延攬」等語。但是5月31日政大的回覆顯示沒有職缺——在求職履歷表上所寫的英文博士論文題目為Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard actions,然而她的中譯卻是「不公平競爭及國內市場之保護」,發表時間及地點則是「即將發表於國內及美國法學雜誌」。

June 1983:Tsai submitted her thesis for a PhD.——She had already called herself a PhD in an article published in a journal of National Chengchi University (June 1983).

16 October 1983:Tsai's oral exam (Field of Study:International Trade Law) was conducted on Sunday, and she flew from Taipei to London on October 15, one day before the exam! Two examiners were a Lecturer in Law (Tsai's supervisor) and a Professor of Criminal Law at LSE.——She became an "Adjunct Lecturer" at Soochow University starting from 1 September 1983; her title was changed to "Adjunct Associate Professor" in February 1984 without official degree verification.
*Tsai said in 2011 that she had 3 committee members in her thesis oral examination: her supervisor, an economist, and a lawyer. Tsai emphasized: "My PhD Oral Exam. was probably the most amazing one in the history of LSE. By the end of it, my committee decided to grant me one-and-a-half PhD's."

23 January 1984:Two copies of informal certificate for passing the oral examination were sent to Taiwan. The official letter about degree award (8 February 1984) was sent to Tsai's address in Yang-ming-shan. ——Only Photocopy of those pages without handwritten signature were added to Tsai's thesis (2019, E-File) as degree certificate. Moreover, the prosecutor found another official letter with handwritten signature.

14 March 1984:Tsai was awarded a doctoral degree certificate from the University of London (with
the signature of Vice-Chancellor: Randolph Quirk). But it was lost.——The 2019 LSE's photocopy of Tsai's certificate without certified stamp.
1984年3月14日,蔡英文獲頒倫敦大學的博士學位證書(副校長Randolph Quirk簽發),但已遺失——2019年LSE提供的證書影本上沒有校方認證章。
*LSE began awarding its own degrees in 2008.
倫敦政經學院於 2008 年才開始自行授予學位。

8 December 1984:The National Chengchi University was offering Tsai a position of full-time Visiting Associate Professor. Some materials were sent to the Ministry of Education for Teacher Qualifications Accreditation, "3 PhD theses" included. ——Only three journal articles〔1983.06、1983.12、1984.06〕were listed in NCCU's "application form for recruiting new faculty" and Tsai called herself a doctor in all articles. In addition, Tsai filled out the resume with two journal articles and a PhD thesis, but the title is actually the title of "PART TWO" in her thesis, and the University had verified the contents of the resume at that time.

1984、1987:Two letter from the University of London: Tsai's doctoral qualification is true. ——The first letter should have been signed by the same person whose name was typescribed, but it was signed by someone else as an agent who signed the second letter too. The second letter emphasized: "It is not possible to issue detailed information of Mr Tsai's PhD since it was awarded after a course of research and submission of a thesis title." The Ministry of Examination asked the Ministry of Education to confirm the nature of credentials, admission qualification, duration of study, major coursework and the School registration status, though. The ROC government's office in the UK sent always handwritten official correspondences from anonymous outposted officers to the Ministry of Education.

1985:The title of Tsai's thesis appeared in "Legal Research in the United Kingdom 1905-1984" (IALS publication). It is written in the foreword: "particularly of the date of award which may be inaccurate!" ——Tsai's different titles (1981-1984) appeared in "List of Current Legal Research Topics" (IALS publication, every February). According to additional fact-checking, at least one of her PhD classmates on this list only got a LLM degree.

28 October 1985:The Ministry of Education approved Tsai's qualifications as an Associate Professor. The Certificate was sent on January 15, 1986, and she became a full-time teacher in the National Chengchi University starting August 1, 1986. However, only an Associate Professor Certificate from 1990 was found in the prosecutor's file.——The National Chengchi University appointed Tsai as a Professor on August 1, 1990, and then applied for Teacher Qualifications Accreditation on August 28. The Ministry of Education approved Tsai's qualifications as a Professor on February 22, 1991.

1986:Tsai began to participate in international negotiation
for the government and worked part-time in several law firms.——In 1987, she was registered as a lawyer in New York State without a PhD in her title, and only "Cornell University" was listed in her academic qualification. In 1996, she was qualified as a lawyer in Taiwan through a special recognition process.

1987:Tsai let a student to cite her thesis that she submitted for the Degree of PhD (1983, not 1984) for the first time.——She published some papers in Chinese academic journals between 1983 and 1986. Their content is very similar to this English thesis that Tsai self did not cite and that was first published in 2019.


2000:Tsai stopped teaching at the university, and worked as the Minister of Mainland Affairs Council (2000.05-2004.05), Legislator elected through proportional representation ballots (2004.12-2006.01), Vice Premier of Executive Yuan (2006.01-2007.05), Chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party (2008.05-2012.01, 2014.05-2018.11, 2020.05-), was a candidate for the Mayor of New Taipei City (2010) and for the ROC President (2012).——She was elected in 2016 for the first time as the President.

2007:£480,405.71 (about 1 million US$) from an anonymous donor to Dr. Fang-long Shih (Co-Director of the Taiwan Research Program at LSE).——A plan for 7 years! She is suspected of playing a role in this scandal.

2009:The first bibliography about Tsai's Thesis "Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard Actions" (1984!) appeared in the USA.——ProQuest issued a response (9 October 2019): "We received a number of submissions from the UK in 2009 as part of a special programming event. The full text in any format for this publication was never received."

2010:Tsai obtained a replacement certificate (with
the signature of Vice-Chancellor: Graeme Davies) for the first time. However, there is now only a photocopy of that document which does not have the steel stamp mark and the certified stamp of the University of London. The Embassy in London seemed to use a special verification stamp for authenticating a photocopy as conforming to the original copy.——In contrast to Tsai's claim in 2019, she participated in election campaigns many times, and the degree certificate was checked only in this year by Central Election Commission.
2010年,蔡英文首次取得補發的證書(副校長Graeme Davies簽發),但是目前只剩一份不見鋼印痕跡、也沒有倫敦大學認證章的影本。針對正副本相符的驗證,倫敦外館似乎使用了特殊的驗證章——和蔡英文2019年說法不同的是,她前後參選多次,只有這一年被中選會檢查學位證書。

2011 (from March to June):Tsai said (more than once!) that her doctoral thesis was titled "Safeguarding Domestic Market (in a Changing World) ". It was changed in her autobiography (25 October 2011) to "Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard for Domestic Market (in a Changing World) ". ——In 2019, she claimed that her thesis was entitled "Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard Actions". The words "Safeguarding Domestic Market" appeared in two documents in 1983.

June 2011:Tsai visited LSE Acting Director Judith Rees, former director Anthony Giddens, and Professor David Held in June 2011.——Aber Tsai failed in her thesis submission.
*Please search: LSE–Gaddafi affair!

25 October 2011:Photo caption in Tsai's autobiography: "My Sister specially flew to Britain to keep me company during my PhD oral exam period.——They wore summer clothes (The average temperature in London is below 20°C in October), and the church in the background seems to be in Boston. Now, the photo caption in the e-book has been changed to "A photo with my eldest sister Ing-Ling Tsai".

19 June 2015:Tsai's doctoral thesis could not be found in the University of London's Senate House Library, LSE Library, and British Library.——British Library issued a response (18 July 2019): "We…can confirm that we hold a record in EThOS of the thesis but not the full file. The record was added in June 2015 by a member of staff in response to a user's speculative request for the thesis." There was no abstract in the record, and the name of Tsai's supervisor was not available.

2015:Tsai obtained a replacement certificate (with the signature of Vice-Chancellor: Adrian Smith) again, with a steel stamp mark. She also obtained a certification by the Transcripts Office of the University of London.——Former President Shui-Bian Chen said that this was achieved with the help of the former LSE Director Anthony Giddens.
2015年,蔡英文再次取得補發的證書(副校長Adrian Smith簽發);除了蓋有鋼印,還附上倫敦大學成績室主管的認證——前總統陳水扁說,這是在LSE前院長紀登斯的協助下取得的。


04 June 2019:A Library Assistant at LSE confirmed: "Dr. Tsai's thesis is unavailable I'm afraid. LSE Library has never had a copy of this thesis.…Unfortunately Senate House apparently never received a copy and the IALS are unable to find their copy."——Dissertations of graduating students were required to be submitted to the University of London's Senate House and IALS libraries.
*    Hypothesis!

28 June 2019:A photocopy of Tsai's thesis (1983!) was submitted to the Women's Library at LSE, and presented as her "personal copy of the original thesis".

19 July 2019:Some documents were publicly displayed by the Ministry of Education, but they did not include: photocopy of certificate (1984, PhD), List of works for Accreditation (3 PhD theses) and inside pages of Chinese Journals (June and December 1983, with the author's title "Dr. Ing-Wen Tsai"). Important archives about Tsai's academic career (1983-2000) are not visible before the end of year 2049.——On January 17, 2020, the Ministry of Education dismissed an administrative appeal and clearly refused to provide Tsai's materials for Teacher Qualifications Accreditation.

29 August 2019:Prof. De-fen Ho released Dr. Hwan C. Lin's report: "Can One Earn a PhD from LSE without a Thesis?: The Bizarre Story of President Tsai".——In list of 107 PhD graduates (LSE in the 1983/4 academic year) only the theses of Tsai and another woman (degree was revoked!) are unavailable.
2019年8月29日,賀德芬教授公布林環牆博士的「獨立調查報告:蔡英文博士論文與証書的真偽」——(LSE於1983 / 84學年度)107位博士畢業生名單中,僅蔡英文和另一位女子(學位已被註銷!)的論文無法取得。

4 September 2019:President Tsai filed a lawsuit against two professors (Ho / Lin) in LSE thesis controversy. Tsai's student record and certificate (photocopy from LSE, without official stamp!) were announced.——University of London's official website clearly states: "Only one degree certificate is issued to each student and we do not hold copies, therefore you will need to provide a photocopy of your certificate, which we can certify."

19 September 2019:President Tsai filed a lawsuit against YouTube-Talkshow host Dr. Dennis Peng (former Director of the Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University / representative of "Economic and Political Media").

23 September 2019:The Presidential Office held a press conference to illustrate the information about Tsai's time as a student. Unbound original thesis was publicly displayed. Soon after, Tsai successfully placed her 1983 thesis (E-File) as the thesis for her 1984 doctoral degree in the Nationalbibliothek in Taiwan.——An author's statement and two supporting documents (without signature!) were added to her thesis.
2019年9月23日,總統府召開記者會,用圖表解說蔡英文的求學歷程,未裝訂的論文原稿被公開展示。不久之後,蔡英文把她1983年的論文(電子檔)當成她於1984 獲得博士學位的論文,成功放入台灣的國家圖書館——一份作者聲明和兩份證明文件(無人簽名!)被加入其論文內。

8 October 2019:"The LSE Statement on PhD of Dr Tsai Ing-wen" (LSE's official website: in the press) was released : "We can be clear the records of LSE and of the University of London - the degree awarding body at the time - confirm that Dr Tsai was correctly awarded a PhD in Law in 1984. …The Senate House Library records confirm that a copy was received and sent by them to the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) "——Was this statement really from an LSE spokesperson, like Fang-long Shih said? It is odd that there were only 4 articles on the "in the press" page! The correct name for IALS should be "Institute of Advanced Legal Studies", not "Institute for" (a common mistake on Shih's Facebook page).
2019年10月8日,(LSE官網in the press區)「LSE關於蔡英文博士學位的聲明」:「根據當時學位授予機構LSE和倫敦大學的記錄,我們可以清楚確認蔡博士於1984年被正確授予法學博士學位……總圖的記錄證實,他們曾收到一本論文,並送至高等法律研究所。」——這份聲明是否真的如施芳瓏所言,出自LSE發言人?令人訝異的是,in the press區總共只有4篇文章!高等法律研究所的正確名稱應為 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies,而非Institute for(施芳瓏臉書中常見的錯誤)!

9 October 2019:Senate House Library issued a response: 1. "It would seem from our card catalogue records that Senate House Library never received the original copies of this thesis from the External Examiners." 2. "Later records indicate that a third copy was sent to Senate House Library in 2011 (not 1984!) and this was then sent on to IALS. However, it would appear that since then IALS have confirmed that they no longer have this copy." ——Nevertheless, the University of London has told ICO that it holds a copy of the examination report for the thesis and the thesis copyright submission form and deemed that the original copy in the library was lost or mis-shelved.
2019年10月9日,倫敦大學總圖發表回應:1. 「從我們的卡片書目紀錄來看,似乎總圖未曾從校外的口試委員們收到此論文的原始副本。」2.「後來的記錄表明,第三份副本於2011年(並非1984年!)送到總圖,然後送到高等法律研究所。但是高等法律研究所之後已確認不再保有此一副本。」——儘管如此,倫敦大學仍向英國資訊專員辦公室表示,校方持有一份論文審查報告和論文版權提交表,並且認為圖書館的原件是被丟失或錯置。

28 November 2019:None of Scholars who vouch for Tsai attend the public hearing about "thesis gate". Dr. Yen Chen-shen said that he found 444 spelling mistakes in Tsai's thesis.——Most of the media only reported this point, and did not mention other important doubts. At the second public hearing about "thesis gate" on April 30, 2021, the Ministry of Education and the Nationalbibliothek re-explained the certification process for approving the qualifications of associate professors (1984) and for publishing the E-File of thesis (2019); this is equivalent to officially admitting that Tsai was a special case. The website of the Legislativ-Yuan's "Public Hearing Report" did not release to the public the meeting transcripts of these two hearings.

11 January 2020:President Tsai won more than 8 million votes (57 percent of the vote). LSE's official website (January 15, News): "Former LSE PhD Law student Dr Tsai Ing-wen was re-elected for a second term as the President of Taiwan……."—— Film on YouTube: "Mass fraud in Taiwan's 2020 election"

27 December 2020:"Yazhou Zhoukan": The origin of Taiwan "Electoral Dictatorship", the phenomenon of DPP "New Authoritarianism"——The SOPA 2021 Awards Winners List: "It's not difficult to go after an authoritarian state everyone hates but it takes insight and courage to criticize a democracy everyone loves."
2020年12月27日,《亞洲週刊》發表文章「台灣民選獨裁幕後 綠營新威權主義現象」——亞洲出版業協會2021年獲獎名單:「追討一個大家厭惡的專制國家並不難,但是批評一個為人所喜的民主政權則需要洞見和勇氣。」

(to be continued)

Contents and References(目錄及參考資料)

  Thesis Gate:chain of events(論文門大事紀) Thesis Gate:Material Evidences(論文門重要證據) Thesis Gate:Special Reports (論文門專題報導) A ...