
Contents and References(目錄及參考資料)



※ Please refer to:











A quick recap for those who are unfamiliar with the Taiwan-UK scandal



Thesis-gate Scandal


The ThesisGate:An international PhD scandal involving Taiwan and U.K



Richardson Reports(Series:2019.07.04-



U.K. Watchdog Report:Files



Everybodywiki:Dissgate of Ing-wen Tsai






2019:Press Conference in London(Dr. Dennis Peng / Dr. Hwan C. Lin)



2021:Press Conference(Academics release crucial evidence suggesting Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen forged her degree)



SeriesLSE Thesis-Gate Scandal(ACTV US CORPORATION / True Voice of Taiwan) 


Series:U.K. Watchdog Report

News 2025:Richardson Reports(理查森報告) 

Author:Michael Richardson(美國獨立撰稿人)
※ Excerpt aus:https://richardsonreports.wordpress.com/author/richardsonreports/

(January 7, 2025)The University of London brags it is a “World Class” school yet Board of Trustees Chairman Mark Lowcock has taken a third-world approach to university governance by keeping a complaint from consideration by the Board. Lowcock's unilateral refusal to correct an erroneous “paradoxical speculation” made to the United Kingdom Information Commissioner over missing PhD examination regulations will now not be debated or discussed by the UL's 18 member Board of Trustees.……(Information Review Tribunal Judge) Kennedy ruled in a Freedom of Information appeal that he lacked authority to correct the University of London for erroneously telling (Information Commissioner) Edwards that the university probably did not conduct its own examinations in the 1980s as the reason UL exam regulations were missing. Judge Kennedy advised making a complaint to the school or an ombudsman.……(Director of Compliance)Grigson wrote,……“As has been previously stated and having again considered your complaint we reiterate the points made previously which are still the case and these are: 1. The conclusions of the Information Tribunal are clear and there is no further requirement for us to provide any further information to the ICO as they will be aware of that judgement. 2. There is also no regulatory or other requirement or obligation that requires us to provide any further statement.” “On that basis and as previously stated we do not intend and are not obligated to take any further action in relation to your complaint and consider it closed.” The rejected complaint explained the UL told the ICO: “We can find no evidence that the University of London produced guidance relating to the nomination of examiners 1982-1984. We now believe that the individual colleges may have been responsible for assigning the examiners and so any Regulations or guidance relating to this would have been issued by those individual colleges.”…… The false speculation that the University did not develop viva regulations has been definitively disproved by the discovery of the missing regulations found in a 1983 bound PhD thesis. The false speculation is also contradicted by the LSE minutes of the Graduate School Committee in October 1980, an undated LSE publication entitled Thesis Titles and University Boards of Study from that era, and LSE Graduate School correspondence of February 1983. The false speculation also contradicts the UL 1982-83 Calendar “Boards of Studies” section and the “Examinations” section. The false speculation contradicts the UL General Instructions for Appointment of Examiners, dated January 1982, and the UL General Regulations concerning PhD examination fee schedules and provisions for examinations. The false speculation contradicts UL Examination Division correspondence to the Board of Studies in Law, dated May 1983. Moreover, the false speculation contradicts UL Academic Registrar correspondence to an examiner, dated June 1983.……Lockcock's maneuver to keep the matter from the Board of Trustees is a breach of the Higher Education Code of Governance.

—(January 13, 2025)Princess Anne has been the UL Chancellor since 1981.……Chancellor Anne has been the figurehead of the University of London during Tsai Ing-wen's entire academic career in London all the way through the thesis scandal that has dogged the UL for the past five years.……Anne is the patron or president of over 300 organizations, including the University of London.……As Deputy Chancellor, (Wendy) Thompson gets paid to do Anne's work as head of the University of London. While Thompson's tenure at the UL is not as lengthy as the Princess Royal, the Tsai Ing-wen thesis controversy played out during her time in charge, although subordinates did the heavy lifting. Information managers Kit Good and Suzy Mereweather were tasked with dealing with the Information Commissioner's Office. The Senate House Library staff knew since 2015 that the UL library never received Tsai's doctoral thesis after a search was conducted and the old card catalog in a storeroom was consulted. However, that knowledge was not enough to prevent Kit Good from telling the ICO that the thesis was received but lost by librarians during restructuring. Suzy Mereweather corrected Good's statement, after he departed the school, on the What Do They Know website. Mereweather wrote that the UL never received the thesis from Tsai or her examiners, but Mereweather never bothered to inform the ICO, leaving the regulatory agency record inaccurate. The ICO subsequently refused Freedom of Information requests about the thesis as vexatious on the strength of Good's false statement.……The missing regulations that Mereweather thought never existed were found by a diligent Taiwanese researcher in a bound thesis proving their authenticity. Even after being confronted with the missing exam regulations, Matthew Grigson, Director of Compliance and Mereweather's boss, refused to make a correction to the ICO.……A complaint about the paradoxical speculation falsity to Wendy Thomspon addressed to the UL Academic Board was derailed by Grigson who decided the matter was outside the scope of the member professors. A second complaint was then made to Sir Mark Lowcock. Lowcock, the recently installed Chairman of the Board of Directors, is a Knight Commander in the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Knighthood seems to please Sir Lowcock, who promptly proceeded to dismiss the complaint without taking it to the Board, or Commander Thompson, or the Princess Royal.……While the integrity of the UL reputation may not be important to Anne, giving Camilla an unearned PhD award was definitely a priority. The funny costumes and fancy titles and all the royal rigmarole cannot disguise the sad fact that there has been an ethical breach within the leadership of the United Kingdom's flagship school that compromises the integrity of the university. They seem to think it is okay to tell the Information Commissioner something that is not true and then refuse to correct the falsehood when proven wrong

(January 15, 2025)Information Review Tribunal Judge Stephen Cragg removed from case for three errors of law, Tsai Ing-wen's controversial PhD thesis, and Upper Tribunal Judge Edward Jacobs.……Information Commissioner John Edwards branded the FOIA request to the British Library as “vexatious” and sought to have the matter dismissed. Information Review Tribunal Judge Sophie Buckley overruled Edwards and said the case should proceed. Judge Cragg was then assigned, along with associate Kerry Pepperell, and promptly dismissed the case as vexatious. Upper Tribunal Judge Edward Jacobs took up the appeal and concluded that Jacobs had committed three errors of law.……“This case is related to the interest that has been generated in Dr Tsai's PhD degree. The interest is not surprising given the state of the records kept by the institutions involved and their inability to produce the original copy of the thesis.” “The tribunal accepted that [Appellant] was not part of 'a concerted campaign to undermine Dr Tsai'. Despite that, the tribunal found that [Appellant] 's purpose is to establish that the thesis does not exist’. I do not understand how that could be.”…… “The tribunal mentioned the provision of the thesis, almost in passing,…It proceeded immediately to demonstrate that the request ‘has very little value’. It related this to the tribunal decisions relating to the award of the degree and the records to confirm this, before saying: ‘the fact that an original copy of the thesis cannot be found, does not mean that it did not exist. ”……“If the request is taken as asking information about the Library's records and processes, it had a purpose, or at least a consequence.” “The tribunal went on to consider the breadth of the request and [Appellant] 's persistence and intransigence given that other institutions have confirmed the award of the degree.” “I take the breadth of the request first. The focus of this ground is on the ‘burden’ and the breadth of the request. I consider that this criticism was unrealistic. Most requesters do not know what information is held by the public authority. Most do not know where it is held. I read [Appellant] 's request as covering all bases to ensure that the Library checked all possible locations. That was sensible in order to avoid the need for further requests and the risk of those requests being treated as vexatious.” “Not only is the criticism unrealistic, it also confuses (a) the information sought, (b) its possible location, and (c) the effort needed to search for it. If the request required a manual search in each possible location, the tribunal's criticism would make sense. But it is surely possible nowadays for electronic searches to avoid the need for intensive manual searches. And if the time required was excessive, the Library was not without recourse. It could have relied on FOIA section 12.”……“What I have said so far is sufficient to deal with the first three grounds of appeal and to show that the First-tier Tribunal made an error of law in applying FOIA section 14. That alone justifies and requires a rehearing before the tribunal.” At the new hearing, before a new judge, the only issue will be the size of the burden on the British Library to respond to the FOIA request. It is not likely the burden will be so onerous as to prevent the library from providing the requested information about how it was able to catalog Tsai's thesis four years before it was placed on a library shelf and why it would do so. One of the mysteries about Tsai's phantom thesis may finally be solved.

(to be continued)

Contents and References(目錄及參考資料)

  Thesis Gate:chain of events(論文門大事紀) Thesis Gate:Material Evidences(論文門重要證據) Thesis Gate:Special Reports (論文門專題報導) A ...